Study Hypothesis
Developing a protocol for managing pregnant women with heart disease in India, based on systematically collected prospective data across our nation, and developing a indigenous risk stratification tool and implementing them in day to day management
Change the practice patterns in care of women with heart disease & thus improve the maternal and fetal outcome in India.
Primary Objective
- Develop, implement and evaluate an evidence-based cardio-obstetric care protocol in improving outcomes of PWWHD in India.
Secondary Objectives
- Develop and validate a risk stratification tool for PWWHD in India
- Test the applicability of existing risk scores for Indian population (mWHO, CARPREG II, ZAHARA, DEVI)
Methodology (Multimethod study)
- Cohort model to develop risk stratification tools
Participating Sites
Total Enrollment
Total Registration
Current Pregnancy
Antenatal Revisit-1
Antenatal Revisit-2
Peripartum Visit
Postpartum Visit -1
Postpartum Visit -2